Bitcoin SV Announced a World Record Blocksize! Could the RIFT Protocol Handle Bitcoin’s Problem? Interview With Norbert Goffa, A Co-Founder of ILCOIN Project

An interview by Alyona Karpinskaya
Interviewing: Norbert Goffa
Q: What do you think about the situation that Bitcoin SV has reached a block size of 638 MB on the bitcoin network? Is this really a world record?
A: Congratulations to them, it is a big success. However, I wouldn’t call it the world record, since on SHA-256 PoW base ILCOIN had already reached 5 GB blocksize on the live net in November 2019. The data can be checked on by searching block 310280.
Of course, I can understand that BSV’s opinion is that ILCOIN has nothing to do with Bitcoin and their result is important, since they achieved it on the bitcoin network, but I think that this is only a half-truth. Since BSV is a FORK so it has nothing to do with Bitcoin. If so, then tomorrow we will fork Bitcoin with the RIFT Protocol and then BSV will admit that ours is the biggest blocksize? I don’t think so…
Q: Are you saying that BSV’s statement is not valid?
A: It is the question of the point of view, from whose basis we examine a particular statement. If I take it strictly and if I take as a basis Bitcoin base (SHA -256 PoW), which has the biggest working blocksize in the market, then the winner is the 310280 blocksize on the ILCOIN network. If we accept BSV’s peculiar reasoning that their block is on the bitcoin network, then we can give them a credit. I think we should be objective, and objectively ILCOIN is the winner in this battle.
Q: Particular individuals from the BSV’s team have claimed that ILCOIN’s result is not authoritative, since it has a market share of no account. What do you think about this statement?
A: ILCOIN was among the top 100 cryptos in November 2019. Since then we do have some difficulties. We are experiencing a kind of counterblow against us, on which I would rather not go into detail here. We are not the only project who is having a hard time right now. Filecoin, Waves, and several other projects have had easier and harder periods.
Nevertheless, to relativize technological excellence and results only because the market of a given
About Alyona Karpinskaya: Founder of the PR-Blockchain agency, technical writer, journalist, and publicist.