DCMC launching crypto wallet with built-in DEX, inheritance, and insurance

DCMC, a cryptocurrency wallet platform, recently announced the launch of its native token and new crypto wallet that features inheritance and insurance functions. Moreover, the wallet is built on top of the DCMC DEX, where DCMC token holders can share in its profit.
There are three fundamental DCMC Wallet functions:
1. Insurance
When a user is unable to access their wallet in a situation such as forgetting or losing their password, DCMC’s insurance function will cover this circumstance, and all their assets will be returned to them.
In most cases, when managing or storing assets in a general crypto wallet; management is 100% the user’s responsibility. As such, if a user cannot access their wallet for any reason; assets might never recover. DCMC Wallet enables users to ensure that their assets are safely protected.
2. Sharing ownership
In the DCMC Wallet, there is a joint ownership option. With this setting, withdrawing assets requires verification from all approved users on the account.
3. Easy transfer of assets to family members and designated people
Wallet owners can set up their wallets with specified conditions. For example, when something unexpected happens to the wallet owner; multiple approved users, such as family members, loved ones, or colleagues, can access the wallet on behalf of the principal owner.
For more information, check out the DCMC whitepaper.
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