ArbitrageScanner – Best Cryptocurrency Trading Bot. Review 

ArbitrageScanner – Best Cryptocurrency Trading Bot. Review 


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Cryptocurrency arbitrage is a platform where the user can earn based on the differences in rates of existing coins in their wallets. Cryptomarket is a complex platform where the prices are constantly fluctuating, it is beyond human knowledge because the prediction can never be done perfectly. Crypto arbitrage scanners can aid in such cases for traders to keep track of prices and make profits based on the live price movements. By adding, the trader can breathe in peace without having to worry about the trading process. 

Types of Arbitrage

Arbitrage also has its types, each type suits different traders who have different trading strategies. They are listed below,

  • Inter-Exchange Arbitrage
  • Market Neutral Arbitrage
  • Intra-Exchange Arbitrage

Inter-Exchange Arbitrage

The values of cryptocurrencies are compared across a wide range of exchanges using this form of arbitrage to identify pricing differences. In cases when there is a price difference, a lesser-cost cryptocurrency will be purchased on one exchange, transferred, and then sold on another. 

Intra-Exchange Arbitrage

This is essentially performing a series of deals beginning and ending with a particular currency, but you come out with more of the starting currency. A bot can carry out these arbitrage possibilities after using the Bellman-Ford algorithm to identify pricing disparities in an exchange. The sort of arbitrage that is examined in this research is this one.

Arbitrage Scanner Functionalities 

Arbitrage Scanner supports over 60 CEX and DEX and more than 40 blockchains. For example, blockchains like Litecoin or Ripple and several other large coins are traded during sharp rise or fall for catching good spreads. The user can add any coin on the exchange which can be tracked for differences when the market is fluctuating. This can be done by connecting the user’s cloud with the scanner and the connection process only takes less than a minute. 

Benefits of Arbitrage Scanner

Earnings from well-executed arbitrage can be considered risk-free since the buying and selling prices are known in advance. Arbitrage Scanners don’t work with the customer’s money or connect with the APIs via exchange balances. It is a manual bot and hence the user don’t have to connect their wallets. If users are just profiting from price errors or inconsistencies (for instance, through locational arbitrage), they don’t even need to invest money to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity. This is an automated bot and it only operates in the cloud, so, the funds of the user will always be secure.

In addition, ArbitrageScanner is the only scanner that tracks spreads between different blockchains (Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Optimism, etc.) and the only scanner that tracks blockchain lifetimes, matching networks and coin withdrawal capabilities.

Arbitrage in DEX exchanges and Blockchains 

Arbitrage in DEX exchanges and Blockchains 

Arbitrum network is gaining a profile in DEX exchanges and blockchains. For DEX exchanges, the token is bought and the user decides to keep the token in their wallet for a while. To track the price movements of the token, it can be automated using the bot which will provide the price fluctuation notification within minutes and keep track of every previous movement. This can help the trader to decide when to enter or exit the trade and add or remove a particular token. Notifications can also be set depending on several trading volumes. Once a similar trading volume takes place, the user will get notifications via their Telegram channel.  

Arbitrage in DEX exchanges and Blockchains 

Next, arbitrage among major networks can be done if the user decides to do the arbitrage between blockchains and DEX. Because some of the major networks like Ethereum and Gnosis are not regularly monitored by traders. By arbitration of blockchain and DEX, the user can monitor some of the major networks and gain profit according to the price movements. Some of the arbitrage bots have limitations on monitoring anywhere between 10 to 40 exchanges. However, the Arbitrage Scanner has no such limitations and can monitor over 50 exchanges in real time. 

Arbitrage in DEX exchanges and Blockchains 

The trading volume and notifications will be provided as in the picture above, by getting such notifications, it will be easier for traders. Thus, the Arbitrage Scanner acts as the best pal in trading. 

Additional Functionalities

Arbitrage Scanner provides additional functionalities. Some of their key benefits and functionalities are discussed below,

  • Users can link to any exchange, even DEX, which has the biggest spreads in trading normally. 
  • The price difference of any token traded on these exchanges may be readily tracked by users by linking CEX to DEX, CEX to CEX, or even DEX (Arbitrum) to DEX (Avalanche) in less than 30 seconds. It is very convenient that you can connect any exchange and token for tracking simply by writing to the manager. 
  • Transaction notifications are sent every 4 seconds, so you are always aware of changes on the exchange. Web version in live mode or telegram version with notifications available
  • A screener is available that looks for profit between exchanges and sends notifications about the difference. You can earn up to 80% per day without buying tokens. 
  • ArbitrageScanner Wallets is available to search and analyse wallets in bulk, which I will discuss in more detail below. 
  • Personal mentor to help you set up the bot and answer any questions you may have (if you purchase the Expert plan and above)
  • Free training and work cases for clients of the service, access to a closed community with bot clients

If you want the same business, you can buy WhiteLabel and implement the service in your turnkey project, price from $19999. Create a copy of the business on your domain in less than a week, where you get 100% of every sale.

The project also has a profitable affiliate program where you can earn 50% of each sale. Withdrawal of funds in USD/USDT without restrictions and commissions. So register on the site, get your referral link and share it with your friends. 

ArbitrageScanner Wallets – Tools to find and analyse wallets? 

ArbitrageScanner Wallets is a new tool that allows you to search and analyse wallets on different blockchains. You can find the wallet of a market insider, a top trader and study their investment strategies. With the AI-powered wallet analysis tool, the user can see every coin, all buy/sell activity on a particular wallet and track it in real time through push notifications.

ArbitrageScanner Wallets - Tools to find and analyse wallets? 

This is the first tool on the market that allows you to easily search for wallets, identify them and adapt to their strategies. This means that by understanding which wallets belong to the same owner or follow similar trading patterns, you can adapt their successful strategies for your own investments, or identifying insider wallets can give you early signals of future market movements, especially when these wallets start actively buying or selling certain tokens.

How it works? 

If you have 5 wallets of successful traders that you follow, you can send them to an AI system that will find you another 50 similar wallets. After analysing these wallets, you will find that 30 of them copy the trades of your main wallets, 10 use similar trading systems and the remaining 10 may be additional wallets of the owners of your first 5 wallets, where they can implement more complex strategies.

Using artificial intelligence that analyses 272 criteria, you can find wallets that best match your interests.

ArbitrageScanner is at the top of the world rankings, and although it may be inferior to some other projects in terms of network and blockchain analysis, its main advantage is the ability to earn, not just analyse. A subscription to the service costs between $69 and $800, but this investment can pay for itself after the first successful transaction.


ArbitrageScanner is the only ecosystem that creates tools to successfully make money in the market – trading bots, blockchain analysis and wallet search/analysis. With, your trading is guaranteed to become many times more convenient and faster. Whether it brings you more profit is up to you. You need to make the best use of the opportunities to get the maximum profit from them.

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